The young Mother Edgar Allan Poe died three years after he was born.
Poe was fortunate to have been taking in by Mrs. John Allan and her husband.
Poe created detective stories.
The talented author Sherlock Holmes was inspired by Poe.
Poe's theories of fictional stories were orignal.
Valdez was born in Delano California.
He grew up in family of migrant farm workers.
At six years old Valdez began to work in the fields.
Migrant suffered from over work and under paid.
He organized farm workers 'Theater, a trouple of traveling actors and musicians.
Auguste Piccard was an inventor, scientists, and explorer from Switzerland.
Piccard once spent sixteen hours in a balloon floating across Germany and France.
Piccard attended the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland.
Piccard was a young man when he became a professor at Swiss Institute.
Piccard created an important invention called airtight gondola.
Bananas and coconuts are tropical fruits.
Brail and India produces banana's.
Some banana;s are cooked as vegetables or eat as vegetables are.
By A.D 600 Egyptians, Indians, and Korenas were eating coconuts.
Coconuts and Banana's are not a major crop i the United States.
11 years ago
Look and rewrite #1, #9. #10 and #17.