Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Journal Entry #1

Hello my fellow audience.

I come here to prove that the murder or General Zaroff was not me.

I was on a boat talking to my friend whitney, when we heard a gun shot my pipe fell and i went to reach for it, then i fell off the boat. Not the best idea eh? Then i swam to a nearby island. There i met General Zaroff and his friend Ivan. At first he treated me like very plesently. Then he told me about a game. The game was to survive for 3 days on the island without dieing. Of course i refused, but then i would have to deal with Ivan. So i played the game and i fought for my life. When it was finally ove rhe died.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Vocabulary 1#

Blandly-lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.
Gaunt-lean and haggared, because of suffering, hunger, and age.
Indolently-wanted to avoid activty or exertion; lazy.
Scruples-feeling od doubt or hesitation.
Gossamer-a fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by all small spiders.
Palpable-able to be touched or felt.
Nocturnal-existing on or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.
Futile-in capable of producing an useful results; pointless
Recipacate-respond to a gesture or action.
Naive-showing lack of expirence